Table of Contents


A drawing of a person sitting on the floor reading a book.

Intended audience

This is not an HTML beginner's book. The intended audience is web developers who want to gain a deeper understanding of how the HTML parser works, or the history and rationale behind certain behaviors. Some prior knowledge of HTML and the DOM is assumed. If you are going to implement your own HTML parser (awesome!), then this book will hopefully be helpful, but please implement from the HTML standard. If you contribute to a browser engine or to web standards (awesome!), then this book will hopefully be helpful. If nothing else, I hope it will at least be an interesting read.

Definition offers the following definition of parse in the context of computers:

to analyze (a string of characters) in order to associate groups of characters with the syntactic units of the underlying grammar.

The Wikipedia page for Parsing offers the following:

Parsing, syntax analysis or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural language, computer languages or data structures, conforming to the rules of a formal grammar. The term parsing comes from Latin pars (orationis), meaning part (of speech).

In the context of HTML, the HTML parser is responsible for the process of converting a stream of characters (the HTML markup) to a tree representation known as the Document Object Model (the DOM).


This book covers the history of HTML parsers, how to write syntactically correct HTML, how an HTML parser works, including error handling, what can be done with the parsed DOM representation, and how to serialize it back to a string. It also covers parsing of some HTML microsyntaxes (parsing of some attribute values), which are strictly speaking not part of the HTML parser, but a layer above. It further discusses implementations and conformance checkers.

Parsing of other languages, such as XML, JavaScript, JSX (React's HTML-like syntax), or CSS, is not covered in this book.

Practical application

Knowing exactly how the HTML parser works is not necessary to be a successful web developer. However, some things can be good to know, and having a deeper understanding makes it easier to reason about its behavior. It can also be good to know that you should usually pull in an HTML parser instead of writing a regular expression to "parse" HTML.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of things that would be good for most web developers to understand about the HTML parser.

About the author

Simon started contributing to the WHATWG in 2005, worked at Opera Software between 2007 and 2017, then at Bocoup between 2017 and 2022, and is currently working at Mozilla as a Web Standards Engineer. He contributed to the design of some aspects of the HTML parser specification, such as how SVG in HTML works and finding a web-compatible way to tokenize script elements. He edited the specification for the picture element from 2014 onwards and is currently an editor of the WHATWG HTML standard and the WHATWG Quirks Mode standard. He is @zcorpan on X and in the fediverse.


Thanks to Mathias Bynens for suggesting the platypus for the front cover (I asked on X "If the HTML parser were an animal, what would it be?").

The platypus sketch on the front cover is from Wikipedia, by Hmich176, with the following licenses:

GNU Free Documentation License

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

Some images in this book were generated using OpenAI's DALL·E 2, as allowed by their terms of use.

The font used on the front cover is Archistico, by Archistico, and has the following license:

You can use the font for commercial purposes, but not sell it! Every once in a comment on the page would be nice.

This book contains quotes from the WHATWG HTML Standard which has the following copyright and license:

Copyright © 2018 WHATWG (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Thanks to Ian Hickson and Henri Sivonen for letting me quote their emails, blog posts, etc. in this book.

Thanks to Ingvar Stepanyan for letting me use some of his X quizzes in this book.

Thanks to Mike Smith for providing a raw log from a validator instance for the Most common errors section in Appendix B. Conformance checkers.

Thanks to Marcos Caceres, Sam Sneddon, Taylor Hunt, Mike Smith, Anne van Kesteren, Marie Staver, Ian Hickson, Mathias Bynens, Henri Sivonen, and Philip Jägenstedt for reviewing this book.

Thanks to Jens Oliver Meiert for contributing fixes for this book.


The source code for this book is available on GitHub. This book and the source code is licensed under CC-BY-4.0. Feel free to report issues, submit pull requests, fork, etc.! If you wish to make a translation or otherwise reuse the work, you are welcome to do so (as allowed by the license). Please report an issue, to avoid duplicate work and so I can help get you set up.

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